Wythe County will host three community information sessions on August 9 and 10 to hear citizen comments on the future of Wythe County as part of its update to the County Comprehensive Plan, Connect Wythe 2040

“These public input sessions are critical to planning the county’s priorities and addressing our pressing needs,” said Matt Hankins, Assistant Wythe County Administrator. “We really need to hear from folks who wouldn’t usually participate in the planning process. If you’re part of a community that thinks your long-term ideas don’t matter or if you think your concerns have been ignored, come to one of these meetings or fill out the online survey to let us know what you think is important.” 

The August 9 meeting will be held at the Historic Rural Retreat Depot from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Two additional meetings will be held on August 10, one at Speedwell Elementary School and one at Fort Chiswell High School, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.  

Each meeting will provide information on the Comprehensive Planning Project and enable citizens to share their views for the future of the County. There will be no formal presentations – just your chance to talk to the county’s plan writers about what they should consider while writing the plan. Your attendance and comments are very important to the success of this plan. Please share your thoughts on community challenges and opportunities for growth and prosperity. 

The long-range Comprehensive Plan, branded Connect Wythe 2040, will provide guidance for public investment and facilities, as well as important information, trends, and recommended policies and direction for making informed public decisions and managing future growth, development and property protection. The Plan will consider existing conditions, challenges, and future needs for the County over the next 20 years and look at diverse topics including economic development, utilities, public health and safety, education, environment, historic properties, recreation, transportation, housing, and land use. 

The plan is jointly paid for by Wythe County and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, which wants the county to assess and plan for the post-pandemic needs of communities of color, faith communities, minority populations and low-to-moderate income residents. 

Additional information on the project can be found on the ConnectWythe Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/ConnectWythe

The ConnectWythe 2040 Survey continues to be open for citizen comments. https://corexms292ywldvy24j5.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7aBvQy5dMbuV1nU

Wythe County officials are updating the long-range County’s Comprehensive Plan with the help of Hill Studio, and are asking for public input through an online survey  The comprehensive plan is branded as Connect Wythe 2040.

Please CLICK HERE for the press release.

To complete the online survey, please CLICK HERE.

To stay informed, please visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ConnectWythe